How to switch antivirus to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers?
Note: If you have Premium Antivirus active, remove them first by following these instructions.
Please follow the steps according to the OS that is being used to enable Sophos Anti-Virus:
Via Plesk Panel
2. Go to Extensions > search Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers > install
3. Retrieve the license key via Tools & Settings > License information > Retrieve keys
4. Enable Sophos Antivirus via Tools & Settings > Mail Server Settings > Antivirus > Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers
1. Connect to the server via SSH
2. Install Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers:
# plesk bin extension --install sophos-av
3. Retrieve the license key:
# plesk bin license --retrieve
4. Enable Sophos Antivirus
# plesk bin mailserver --set-virusfilter sophos
Via Plesk Panel
1. Purchase the Sophos Anti-Virus license
3. Retrieve the license key via Tools & Settings > License information > Retrieve keys
4. Go to Extensions > search Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers > install
5. Enable Sophos Antivirus via Tools & Settings > Server Components > Antivirus > Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers
Note: Make sure that SAV DI interface is enabled under Sophos Anti-Virus Interface
1. Connect to the server via RDP
2. Retrieve the license key:
plesk bin license --retrieve
3. Install Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers:
plesk bin extension --install sophos-av
4. Enable Sophos Antivirus
plesk bin mailserver --set-virusfilter sophos