
 An operation fails in Plesk: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry ‘X’ for key ‘PRIMARY’



The AUTO_INCREMENT value for the table is lower than the real maximum PRIMARY KEY value.

This issue could be caused when InnoDB and XtraDB use an auto-increment counter stored in the memory. When the server restarts, the counter is re-initialized. This issue is mentioned for a certain MariaDB version.



For Plesk Obsidian 18.0.28 Update 3

Error messages related to an incorrect AUTO_INCREMENT value in the Plesk database now show a suggestion to fix the error using the Repair utility (either in the Plesk interface or in the CLI).



For older Plesk versions 

Download and use the script to automatically update the improper AUTO_INCREMENTS value:


For Plesk on Linux


  1. Connect to the Plesk server via SSH.

  2. Create a backup of the Plesk database:

    # plesk db dump > psa_dump.sql

  3. Download the script:

    # curl -LO

  4. Unpack the script:

    # tar xf 115003292185_auto_increment_fix.php.tar.gz

  5. Run the script to analyze the tables:

    # plesk php 115003292185_auto_increment_fix.php -v -y

  6. Rerun the script until you see:

    No inconsistencies were detected.


For Plesk on Windows Server


  1. Connect to the Plesk server via RDP.

  2. Download the script to your Windows Server.

  3. Extract the script from the zip file on C: disk.

  4. Start a command prompt as an Administrator.

  5. Create a backup of the Plesk database:

    C:> plesk db dump > C:psa_dump.sql

  6. Switch to the folder where extracted script on step 2 is located.

    C:> cd C:

  7. Run the script:

    C:> plesk php 115003292185_auto_increment_fix.php -v -y

  8. Rerun the script until you see:

    No inconsistencies were detected.


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