This topic describes how to migrate from a Linux server running a
control panel not on the list of supported source
platforms, or one with hosting but no control panel. The
following scenarios are supported:
Migration from a server with custom hosting for which you have
administrative access. This scenario involves the creation of a
hosting description file, which includes the list of clients,
subscriptions, addon domains, mailboxes, etc., and also specifies the
location of web and mail content data on the source server. The file
has a human-readable format, covers most popular hosting services,
and can be written in YAML or JSON. -
Migration from a server with custom hosting for which you do not
have administrative access. This scenario presumes that you will
manually move web content data and database dumps from the source
server to the destination one. A hosting description file will have
to be created as well, but in this case it should specify the
location of web content data and database dumps on the destination
Note: Migrating from servers with custom hosting can only be done via the
command line, and not via the Plesk interface.
If you have administrative access to the server, follow these steps:
Log in to the destination Plesk server via SSH.
Make sure that Plesk Migrator is installed. If it is not, install it
following the instructions here. -
Prepare the hosting description file. Name the file
, depending on the chosen format,
and place it in the
directory. The
file must contain the list of clients, subscriptions, addon domains,
mailboxes, etc. to be transferred from the source server. You can
find sample hosting description files here. -
Create a directory named
in the
directory. Prepare the
migrator tool configuration file. Name the fileconfig.ini
and place it in the/usr/local/psa/var/modules/panel-migrator/conf/
directory. The file must include the configuration and access information for the
source server. Use the sample configuration…