Where can the banned and blacklisted IP addresses in Plesk be seen and unbanned?
IP addresses may be blocked in several locations, so it is recommended that you check on all of the locations by following these steps:
Go to Tools & Settings > Firewall. If firewall rules management is enabled, proceed and check for the existence of any rules that may potentially block access for the affected IP address.
Note: If a firewall exists on levels above the Plesk server itself you should make sure that you have configured the rules on it correctly as well
(For Mail service) Go to Tools & Settings > Mail Server Settings > Black list tab and check if the IP address is listed there.
(For Plesk for Linux) Go to Tools & Settings > IP Address Banning (Fail2Ban) and check the list of Banned IP Addresses.
Some extensions may have their own blacklists, for example, Imunify360, Juggernaut Firewall, etc. Find potential blocking rules in the extension's own settings.