Unable to start Plesk Premium Antivirus
From Plesk UI: Tools & Settings > Services Management > Plesk Premium Antivirus:
Unable to manage service by drwebmng: ('start', 'drweb'). Error: /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/drwebmng[17360]: Unable to start drweb antivirus daemon
From the command-line interface:
# service drwebd start
Key file: /opt/drweb/drweb32.key - Key file was not found! (No such file or directory)
A path to a valid license key file was not specified.
The following error appears during enabling Plesk Premium Antivirus on a mailbox:
Error: drwebmng failed: /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/drwebmng[20358]: Unable to update drweb antivirus service state: not all changes might be applied drwebmng: Some errors occurred in handlers actions System error 2: No such file or directory
package is corrupted or installed from the 3rd-party repository.
Connect to the server via SSH.
Note: if direct SSH access to the server is not possible, contact server administrator for further assistance.
Remove Plesk Premium Antivirus:
# plesk installer --select-release-current --remove-component drweb
Remove corresponding directories:
# rm -rf /var/drweb/ /etc/drweb/
Check if 3rd-party repository is being used:
On RHEL-like (RHEL/CentOS/AlmaLinux/CloudLinux/Rocky Linux):
# yum repolist | grep -i drweb
drweb DrWeb - stable 72 -
On Ubuntu/Debian:
# apt policy | grep drweb
500 11.1/non-free amd64 Packages
release o=drweb,a=stable,n=11.1,l=drweb 11.1,c=non-free,b=amd64
If any repositories are found, disable them.
Find the repository file:
On RHEL-like (RHEL/CentOS/AlmaLinux/CloudLinux/Rocky Linux):
# find /etc/yum.repos.d/ -name *drweb*
/etc/yum.repos.d/drweb-yum-x86_64.repo -
On Ubuntu/Debian:
# find /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ -name *drweb*
Move the repository file to some another directory to disable it:
On RHEL-like (RHEL/CentOS/AlmaLinux/CloudLinux/Rocky Linux):
# mv /etc/yum.repos.d/drweb-yum-x86_64.repo /root/drweb-yum-x86_64.repo.bak
On Ubuntu/Debian:
# mv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/drweb.list /root/drweb.list.back
Note: the repositories names and files names may differ.
yum update
orapt update
command to refresh the packages lists.
Re-install Plesk Premium Antivirus:
via Plesk UI:
In Plesk> Tools & Settings > Updates and Upgrades > Add and Remove Product Components > Mail hosting > Plesk Premium Antivirus:
via command-line interface:
# plesk installer --select-release-current --install-component drweb
Run the Plesk Premium Antivirus service:
via Plesk UI:
Tools & Settings > Services Management > Plesk Premium Antivirus:
via command-line interface:
# service drwebd start