How to find Plesk key number for support request?
Go to Tools & Settings > License Information > Key number:
Note: in case the Tools & Settings or License Information page is absent contact your hosting provider.
Solution using Plesk360
- Log in to Plesk360 with the email address which you used when purchasing Plesk license
- Open the Licenses tab:
Solution using Linux command-line
Log into the server via SSH with root privileges
Execute the command below to get Plesk key number:
# plesk bin keyinfo --list | grep plesk_key_id | awk {'print $2'}
Note: in case the command above returns an empty output it means that the license key is not installed.
Solution using Windows command-line
Log into the server via RDP.
Execute the command below to get Plesk key number:
plesk bin keyinfo.exe --list | findstr plesk_key_id
plesk_key_id: PLSK000000010000
Note: in case the command above returns an empty output it means that the license key is not installed.
Solution when MySQL and Plesk services down
For Linux:
Log into the server via SSH with root privileges
Execute the command below to get Plesk key number:
# grep "<name>PLSK" /etc/sw/keys/registry.xml
Note: in case the command above returns an empty output it means that the license key is not installed.
For Windows:
Log into the server via RDP.
Execute the command below to get Plesk key number:
findstr "<name>PLSK" "%plesk_dir%adminrepositoryregistry.xml"
Note: in case the command above returns an empty output it means that the license key is not installed.