
How to enable/disable WordPress update email notifications in Plesk?


How to enable/disable WordPress update email notifications in Plesk?


Via Plesk interface

  1. Log into Plesk

  2. Go to Tools & settings > Notifications and disable/enable required notifications with the checkboxes:

  3. Click OK


  1. Login to the Plesk server via SSH

  2. Execute plesk bin notification utility with desired settings:

    # plesk bin notification -u -code <code> -send2admin true -send2reseller true -send2client true -send2email true -subj 'Subject' -email ''

    The available values for notifications to be replaced for <code>are the following:

    Code Description
    ext-wp-toolkit-notification-admin_updates WordPress application updates (administrator's digest)
    ext-wp-toolkit-notification-reseller_updates WordPress application updates (reseller's digest)
    ext-wp-toolkit-notification-client_updates WordPress application updates (customer's digest)
    ext-wp-toolkit-notification-admin_suspicious_instance WordPress installation is quarantined (administrator's digest)
    ext-wp-toolkit-notification-reseller_suspicious_instance WordPress installation is quarantined (reseller's digest)
    ext-wp-toolkit-notification-client_suspicious_instance WordPress installation is quarantined (customer's digest)
    ext-wp-toolkit-notification-admin_blocklisted_plugins_deactivated Blocked WordPress plugins deactivated (administrator's digest)
    ext-wp-toolkit-notification-reseller_blocklisted_plugins_deactivated Blocked WordPress plugins deactivated (reseller's digest)
    ext-wp-toolkit-notification-client_blocklisted_plugins_deactivated Blocked WordPress plugins deactivated (customer's digest)
    ext-wp-toolkit-notification-admin_vulnerability_found WordPress site vulnerabilities found (administrator's digest)
    ext-wp-toolkit-notification-reseller_vulnerability_found WordPress site vulnerabilities found (reseller's digest)
    ext-wp-toolkit-notification-client_vulnerability_found WordPress site vulnerabilities found (customer's digest)

As an example, run the following command to enable sending notifications to administrator, reseller, client and a mailbox about WordPress application updates (administrator's digest):

# plesk bin notification -u -code ext-wp-toolkit-notification-admin_updates -send2admin true -send2reseller true -send2client true -send2email true -subj 'Subject' -email ''