Creating a new mailbox in Plesk returns this error, even though it wasn't created in Plesk
Error: Unable to update the mail account properties:mailmng failed: MEAOPO.Mailbox.AddMailbox failed for name=user and domain [] at (MailEnable::MailEnableMailName::MailEnableMailName line 30) at execute console command --add-mailname(vconsoleapp::start line 100) at execute "C:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskadminbinmailmng.exe" --add-mailname "" "--mailname=user" "--password=*"(vconsoleapp::run line 117) (Error code 1)
A mailbox with this name already exists in MailEnable.
Warning: To avoid data loss, make sure that the error is the same as in the symptoms, and the user safe to remove.
Connect to the server over RDP
Open MailEnableAdmin utility on the affected server
Open MailEnable Management > Post Offices > > Mailboxes
Delete the mailbox with the name from the error message