
Unable to start migration in Plesk: Failed to connect to the source server ‘source’ ( by SSH: encountered RSA key, expected OPENSSH key



Product issue:

  • #PMT-5041


Regardless of which Linux distributive is in use, before applying the personalized steps below, add the SSH-RSA support to the SSH client's config file at /etc/ssh/ssh_config

  1. Connect to the target server via SSH;
  2. open the file

    # vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config

  3. Add the following line

    # PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa

For Debian-based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, etc)

  1. On Plesk's PMM repository, find the folder for your Linux Distribution and get the URL for Paramiko 2.7.

  2. Replace the URL from the command below and fetch the Paramiko package:

    # wget

  3. Downgrade Paramiko with the following commands:

    # dpkg -r --force-depends plesk-py27-paramiko
    # dpkg -i plesk-py27-paramiko_2.7.1-debian.10.200520.1813_amd64.deb

For RPM-based distributions (CentOS, RHEL, Cloudlinux, etc.)

  1. Connect to the target server via SSH;

  2. On Plesk's PMM repository, find the folder for your Linux Distribution and get the URL for Paramiko 2.7.

  3. Remove the current paramiko package from the server:

    # rpm -e plesk-py27-paramiko --nodeps

  4. Replace the URL from the command below with the one from step 2 and install the Paramiko package:

    # rpm -i --nodeps

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