
Unable to create domain under a subscription: IP addresses for mail service of domain are not set



Database inconsistency, one or more entries are missing in the table psa.IpAddressesCollections.


Note: in case the issue occurs on Plesk Multi Server, the solution must be applied on the service node with the affected subscription.

  1. Connect to the server using SSH.

  2. Create Plesk database backup

  3. Access Plesk database

  4. Find ipCollectionId of missing entry:

    mysql> select id from psa.IpCollections where id not in (select ipCollectionId from psa.IpAddressesCollections);
    | id |
    | 15 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

  5. Find ID of an appropriate IP address:

    mysql> select id, ip_address from IP_Addresses;
    | id | ip_address |
    | 1 | |
    | 2 | |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

  6. Add the missing record with preferred IP address ID, e.g. '1' and the ID '15' from step 4 as follows:

    mysql> insert into psa.IpAddressesCollections values(15,1);
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

    Note: In case multiple records are shown in step 4 query, use the following script to add all missing records in the psa.IpAddressesCollections table with IP id of '1':

    # plesk db -Ne "select id from psa.IpCollections where id not in (select ipCollectionId from psa.IpAddressesCollections)" | while read i; do plesk db "insert into IpAddressesCollections values ('$i','1')"; done