The antivirus section of the mail server settings shows a blank page at Tools & Settings > Mail Server Settings > Antivirus
These entries are logged to the panel log:
ERR [panel] Unable to find row by field name with value kaspersky-av in Modules table.
Plesk fails to create email accounts
Unable to find row by field name with value premium-av in Modules table.#0 /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/pm/Context.php(152): Db_Table_Abstract->getOneByField('name', 'premium-av') #1 /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/Application/Controller/Action/Helper/Navigation.php(242): pm_Context::getModuleInfo() #2
A leftover package of the deprecated Kaspersky antivirus is still installed.
Uninstall the Kaspersky package from the system.
Connect to the server over SSH
Run this command to remove the Kaspersky package
# rpm -e --nodeps psa-kav8
# dpkg -r --force-depends psa-kav8