
How to create several mailboxes on a Plesk server at once using a single command or a script?


How to create several mailboxes in Plesk at once using a single command or a script in the command line?


  1. Connect to the server via SSH/RDP.

  2. Create a file mail.txt using any text editor with a list of mail addresses and passwords for it: password password
    ... password

    Note: Make sure that passwords comply with the current Password Strength Policy

  3. Follow the instructions below for creating mailboxes from the mail.txt file:

    For Linux

    1. Download the attached script:

      # wget

    2. Unpack the downloaded archive:

      # tar -zxvf createmail_.tar.gz

    3. Execute the script:

      # ./ mail.txt

    For Windows

    1. Start the Command prompt as Administrator.

    2. Execute the command below to create mailboxes from the list created on step 2:

      Note: In the example below, mail.txt file exists in C:mail.txt. Adjust the path to the mail.txt file if required

      C:> for /F "tokens=1,2 delims= " %i in (c:mail.txt) do plesk bin mail.exe -c %i -passwd %j -mailbox true

    Note: Other options like -mbox_quota, -aliases, -forwarding etc., can be added to the command plesk bin mail in the script. For details on using these options, check the documentation articles: for Linux and for Windows.