How to check the number of messages in the mail queue in Plesk?
Note: The list of messages in the mail queue can be found in Plesk in Tools & Settings > Mail Server Settings > Mail Queue
For Qmail
Connect to the server using SSH
Execute the following command:
# /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qstat
messages in queue: 58
messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 1The output means that there are 58 messages in the queue. And one message was received for delivery via SMTP but has not been processed and put in the queue for delivery.
For Postfix
Connect to the server using SSH
Execute one of the following commands:
# mailq | grep Requests
-- 4 Kbytes in 2 Requests.# postqueue -p | tail -n 1
-- 4 Kbytes in 2 Requests.The above output means there are 2 messages in the queue.