How to activate mail autodiscover for all existing domains without syncing all subscriptions?
Go to Tools & Settings > Mail Server Settings > Settings tab > General options > Enable the Enable mail autodiscover option.
For Linux
- Connect to the server via SSH
- Create dom.list file with list of domains:
# plesk bin domain -l > dom.list
Run the utility in a loop for all domains from dom.list file:
# cat dom.list | while read i; do plesk bin site --update $i -mail_autodiscover true ; done
For Windows
Connect to the server via RDP and open command prompt as Administrator
Get the list of domains:
C:> plesk bin domain -l > C:domains.txt
Enable autodiscover for them:
C:> for /f "tokens=*" %d in ('type C:domains.txt') do plesk bin site --update %d -mail_autodiscover true