
Securing Connections with the SSL It! Extension – Securing websites with SSL/TLS certificates

With the SSL It! extension
you can secure websites with free and paid SSL/TLS certificates
(at the moment they are from DigiCert only)
and also with SSL/TLS certificates you already own.

To secure a website with a free SSL/TLS certificate from Let’s Encrypt:

  1. Go to Websites & Domains > your domain > SSL/TLS Certificates.
  2. Click Get it free under “Entry-level protection”.
  3. Specify the email address that will be used for urgent notices
    and lost key recovery.
  4. Select what you want to secure in addition to the main domain:
    • If you have the www subdomain and/or domain aliases,
      select the “Include a “www” subdomain for the domain and each selected alias” checkbox.
    • If you use webmail, select the “Secure webmail on this domain” checkbox.
    • If you have all of the mentioned above plus other subdomains,
      select the “Secure the wildcard domain (including www and webmail)” radio button.
  5. Click Get it free.

An SSL/TLS certificate from Let’s Encrypt will be issued and automatically installed.

Note: If you secure a domain with an SSL/TLS certificate from Let’s Encrypt
and then add new domains, subdomains, domain aliases,
or webmail to the subscription,
you can have SSL It! automatically secure them
by reissuing the SSL/TLS certificate from Let’s Encrypt.
To do so, go to Websites & Domains > your domain > SSL/TLS Certificates
and turn on the “Keep websites secured” option.

To get a paid SSL/TLS certificate:

  1. Go to Websites & Domains > your domain > SSL/TLS Certificates.

  2. Find an SSL/TLS certificate you want to buy.
    To learn more about the certificate (validity period, validation type, and so on),
    click “Show details”. Once you have made your choice, click Buy Now.
    Then you will be automatically redirected to Plesk Online Store.

  3. Fill in your address, payment information, and then buy the certificate.

  4. Go back to Plesk (use the Back button in your browser).

  5. Processing the payment takes some time.
    To update the payment status, click Reload.
    Plesk automatically updates the payment status once per hour.

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