
Static files in Plesk protected directory are inaccessible: ERROR: 404 not found



Product issue:

  • #PPPM-13942 "It is now possible to access files in password-protected directories when "Smart static files processing" and "Proxy mode" are enabled in the "Apache & nginx" settings."
    Fixed in:


Please consider updating your server:

In case the issue persists after the update, please also check for custom nginx configuration templates, as the fix is only applied to the default templates.

If affected, you may add a ^~ to the custom template at 


specifically at the external-nginx-static-location directive like so:

    location ^~ /internal-nginx-static-location/ {


If update is not possible for some reason you may try the following


1. Log into Plesk.

2. Go to Domains > > Hosting & DNS tab > Apache & nginx Settings.

3. Disable Smart static files processing or enable Serve static files directly by nginx.

Note: when enabling Serve static files directly by nginx, mod_rewrite rules will not be applied