- I have one of the following operation systems, how do I purchase Extended Lifecycle Support (ELS)?
CentOS 7 & CloudLinux 7
Ubuntu 18.04
Debian 10
It depends on where you purchased your Plesk license:
License is purchased from Plesk online store
License is purchased through a reseller
You are Plesk Partner
Direct link for ELS purchasing was sent to you by Cleverbridge on June 27, 2024. Please open an email with subject "Important Update: Extended Lifecycle Support for EOL Operating Systems" and proceed with the direct link to purchase ELS for your online store license. If you did not receive an email - please contact Plesk licensing and purchase support.
Important: ELS offers are OS-dependent. Please make sure to choose correct OS while purchasing.
All information should be provided by the corresponding reseller company. Please contact the company where license was purchased from.
Please contact your Plesk sales representative.