
How to issue a SSL/TLS certificate for a domain via REST API?


How to create an SSL/TLS certificate for a domain via REST API?


Note: Replace and ce8b9a38-4410-XXX with the required server IP address and API key from step 2 in exactly the same way as all the custom settings in the commands below.

Note: In step 2, the API key should be generated from the Plesk server where the request for creating a certificate is run.

  1. Connect to the server via SSH.

  2. Generate an API key:

    # curl -k -X POST --user admin:"<password>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -d"{}" ""


    # plesk bin secret_key -c -ip-address

  3. Issue a certificate:

    • Create an SSL/TLS certificate using csr/key/cert files:

      # curl -k -X POST -H "X-API-Key: ce8b9a38-4410-. . ." -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" "https://<Server_IP>:8443/api/v2/cli/certificate/call" -d '{ "params": ["--create", "<Certificate_name>", "-domain", "", "-csr-file", "/path/to/server.csr", "-key-file", "/path/to/server.key"]}'

      The `--create` command requires concomitant use of one of the following combinations of options:

      • -csr-file <file name> -key-file <file name>

      • -csr-file <file name> -key-file <file name> -cert-file <file name>

      • -csr-file <file name> -key-file <file name> -cert-file <file name> -cacert-file <file name>

      • -key-file <file name> -cert-file <file name> -cacert-file <file name>

      • -key-file <file name> -cert-file <file name>

    • If it's required to issue a Let's Encrypt certificate (e.g. for domain including webmail):

      # curl -k -X POST -H "X-API-Key: ce8b9a38-4410-. . ." -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" "https://<Server_IP>:8443/api/v2/cli/extension/call" -d '{ "params": ["--exec", "letsencrypt", "cli.php", "-d", "", "-d", "", "-m", ""]}'