How to change the logos used in webmail when Plesk Premium Email is installed?
The Plesk logo in the top-left corner, and the watermark when no content is selected, can be manually replaced directly on the server.
Prepare the custom logos and upload them to the server.
Note: The images must be in SVG format.
Connect to the server over SSH and backup the original files
# mv /usr/share/roundcubemail/public_html/assets/skins/plesk/images/logo.svg{,.orig}
# mv /usr/share/roundcubemail/public_html/assets/skins/plesk/images/logo-small.svg{,.orig} -
Go to the directory where the custom logos were uploaded and move them to the Plesk directory
# cd /path/to/directory/with/uploaded/custom/logos/
# mv logo.svg /usr/share/roundcubemail/public_html/assets/skins/plesk/images/
# mv logo-small.svg /usr/share/roundcubemail/public_html/assets/skins/plesk/images/