
Specifying Data for Backing Up

Defining data that should be backed up includes the following:

  1. Defining backup level and, unless it is the server level, optionally,
    selecting which resellers, customers, or subscriptions should be
    backed up.
  2. (optional) Defining which resellers, customers, or subscriptions
    should be excluded from the backup.
  3. (optional) Restricting backup to either only mail or only web hosting
    settings, and only to configuration.
  4. (optional) Defining that log files are excluded from backup.

Generally speaking, the data that can be backed up with one call of the
pleskbackup.exe utility are represented by any single cell of the
following table.


Only web hosting settings

option: --only-hosting

Only mail

option: --only-mail


Only configuration

option: -c


Only configuration

option: -c


Only configuration

option: -c





Excluding resellers

--exclude-reseller or


Excluding customers

--exclude-client or
