
Websites on PHP 7.4 and PHP 8.0 are inaccessible on CloudLinux OS: 504 Gateway Time-out



Product issue:

  • #PPPM-13184 "In Plesk on CloudLinux with enabled CageFS and the latest PHP updates installed, PHP 7.4. and 8.0 no longer consume all the CPU."
    Fixed in:


Please consider updating your server:


For CloudLinux 7

For PHP 7.4
  1. Log into the server via SSH.
  2. Run the command to open PHP 7.4 configuration file:

    # systemctl edit plesk-php74-fpm.service

  3. Add the line below:


  4. Save changes.

  5. Run the command below to apply the changes:

    # systemctl restart plesk-php74-fpm.service


 For PHP 8.0

  1. Log into the server via SSH.
  2. Run the command to open PHP 8.0 configuration file:

    # systemctl edit plesk-php80-fpm.service

  3. Add the line below:


  4. Save changes.

  5. Run the command below to apply the changes:

    # systemctl restart plesk-php80-fpm.service 

Note: in case top command shows that one of the process uses 1
# kill 


For CloudLinux 8

For PHP 7.4
  1. Log into the server via SSH.
  2. Run the command to open PHP 7.4 configuration file:

    # systemctl edit plesk-php74-fpm.service

  3. Add the lines below:


  4. Save changes.

  5. Run the command below to apply the changes:

    # systemctl restart plesk-php74-fpm.service


 For PHP 8.0

  1. Log into the server via SSH.
  2. Run the command to open PHP 8.0 configuration file:

    # systemctl edit plesk-php80-fpm.service

  3. Add the line below:


  4. Save changes.

  5. Run the command below to apply the changes:

    # systemctl restart plesk-php80-fpm.service