
Unable to install or update Plesk on CloudLinux OS: The Yum utility failed to install the required packages



By default, CloudLinux repository is disabled because it is managed by CloudLinux YUM plugin yum-rhn-plugin. As this plugin is disabled, the CloudLinux repository remains disabled.


  1. Connect into the server using SSH.

  2. Back up the file /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/rhnplugin.conf:

    # cp -a /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/rhnplugin.conf{,.backup}

  3. Enable the CloudLinux YUM plugin:

    # sed -i 's/^enabled = 0/enabled = 1/' /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/rhnplugin.conf

  4. Verify that the CloudLinux repository became enabled:

    # yum repolist
    cloudlinux-imunify360/7/x86_64 CloudLinux-7 - Imunify360 756
    cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7 CloudLinux Server 7 x86_64 47,408
    repolist: 48,164

  5. Install Plesk or update it.