- Plesk Obsidian running on a Linux-based operating system
Plesk is not accessible and an error that is similar to the following is displayed:
ERROR: TypeError: AdminPanel_View_List_Domains::getAliasInfo(): Argument #2 ($info) must be of type array, null given, called in /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/AdminPanel/View/List/Domains.php on line 400 (Domaind.php:603)
The error suggests that there are severe inconsistencies within the currently installed Plesk packages and they are preventing Plesk from loading properly.
In order to resolve the package inconsistency issues, you should follow these steps:
1. Log into your server via SSH
2. Update all Plesk packages by running the following command:
# plesk installer update
3. If the issue persists after the above command finishes,, you should repair the entire Plesk installation by executing the following command:
# plesk repair installation
Additional information
Plesk Repair Utility: Installation | Plesk Obsidian documentation