As described in the section Quick Start with Plesk, the
first step in establishing your company’s web presence is signing up to
the services provided by a hosting company (hosting provider). After you
subscribe to a hosting plan, a customer account in Plesk is created to
enable you to log in to Plesk and use the hosting services and resources
like mailboxes, disk space, and bandwidth.
Customer Account and Multiple Subscriptions
Plesk allows you to subscribe to as many hosting plans as you need. For
example, if you do not want your main site to share hosting resources
with a company’s branch site you can subscribe to another hosting plan
under the same customer account. In other words, a customer account is a
personalized access to all your subscriptions (see the picture below).

Another reason for using multiple subscriptions is that subscription is
limited to only one IPv4 and one IPv6 address. Thus, all domains
within a subscription share the same IP address (v4 or v6). If you need
to host sites on different IP addresses, you should additionally order
the same plan for as many IP addresses as you need. This can be useful,
for example, if you want to secure connections to each of your sites
with a separate SSL/TLS certificate.
System Users
For each hosting subscription, Plesk creates a system user - a user
account in the Plesk server operating system. Customers obtain their
system users’ access credentials from their service providers and use
these credentials for connecting to the server through FTP, SSH, and so
on. In addition, all operations with files and directories in Plesk are
performed on behalf of system users. For example, when a customer adds a
new file in File Manager, the subscription’s system user becomes the
owner of the file.
Navigating Multiple Subscriptions
You can view and manage all your websites or only those
that belong to a particular subscription.
To view and manage sites of a particular subscription:
Select the subscription name in the Subscription menu at the top of
the page.
To view and manage all your sites:
Select All subscriptions…