
Unable to access Plesk: Table ‘psa.<table_name>’ doesn’t exist – Plesk


Plesk is not accessible with one of the following error messages in a web-browser:

DB query failed: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'psa.<table_name>' doesn't exist, query was: DESCRIBE `sessions`

ERROR: PleskMainDBException
MySQL query failed: Unknown column 'id' in 'field list'

Call to a member function getSkinUrl() on null (SkinUrl.php:18)


The Plesk 'psa' database is corrupted.


Restore the Plesk 'psa' system database from the Plesk daily dump.


For Plesk on Linux


  1. Connect to the Plesk server via SSH.

  2. Switch to the directory with daily dumps:

    # cd /var/lib/psa/dumps

  3. List all available Plesk daily dumps:

    # ls -l mysql.daily*
    -rw------- 1 root root 236253 Feb 3 01:51 mysql.daily.dump.0.gz
    -rw------- 1 root root 229653 Feb 2 01:48 mysql.daily.dump.1.gz
    -rw------- 1 root root 222485 Feb 1 01:56 mysql.daily.dump.2.gz

    • where mysql.daily.dump.0.gz is the most recent daily dump.
  4. Restore the 'psa' database from the most recent daily dump. In this example, the 'psa' database is being restored from mysql.daily.dump.0.gz:

    # zcat mysql.daily.dump.0.gz | sed -n '/-- Current Database: `psa`/,/-- Current Database:*/p' | MYSQL_PWD=`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` mysql -uadmin --default-character-set=utf8

  5. Access Plesk.

    If Plesk is still not accessible, try to restore the 'psa' database from an earlier Plesk daily dump:

    # zcat mysql.daily.dump.1.gz | sed -n '/-- Current Database: `psa`/,/-- Current Database:*/p' | MYSQL_PWD=`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` mysql -uadmin --default-character-set=utf8


For Plesk on Windows Server


  1. Connect to the Plesk server via RDP.

  2. Switch to the directory with daily dumps:

    C:> cd %plesk_dir%MysqlBackup

  3. List all available Plesk daily dumps with the 'psa' database sorted by date (newest first):

    C:> dir psa* /O:-D

    Directory of C:Program Files (x86)PleskMySQLBackup

    03/29/2019 08:33 PM 502,879 psa-20190329203301.sql
    03/28/2019 08:33 PM 468,888 psa-20190328203301.sql
    03/27/2019 08:33 PM 468,888 psa-20190327203301.sql

  4. Restore the 'psa' database from the latest available daily dump. In this example, we are restoring the dump from 03/29/2019:

    C:> plesk db < psa-20190329203301.sql

  5. Access Plesk.