- How to raise the pm.max_children setting for an entire Service Plan in Plesk?
- How can I increase the pm.max_children PHP-FPM setting for a Plesk Service Plan?
- Can I set the pm.max_children PHP-FPM setting for an entire Plesk Service Plan higher?
You can raise the pm.max_children setting for an entire Service Plan in Plesk by following these steps:
1. Log into Plesk
2. Go to Service Plans > (Service_Plan_Name) > PHP Settings tab
3. Scroll down to the PHP-FPM settings section
4. Increase the pm.max_children value as you see fit (setting it to 100 is good starting point)
5. Scroll down and press Update & Sync
Warning: Pressing Update & Sync will apply the changes only to Subscriptions that are Unlocked. Locked subscriptions must be adjusted on the Subscription level.
Additional Information
Syncing Subscriptions and Plans | Plesk Obsidian documentation
Customizing PHP Configuration | Plesk Obsidian documentation
How to calculate pm.max_children value on a Plesk server? – Plesk