New and current subscriptions on a particular service plan fail to sync:
Syncing the subscription with its service plan failed because some of the services or resources defined in the plan cannot be actually provisioned with the subscription.
Warning: Could not sync the subscription with the service plan. The following settings of the subscription conflict with the service plan: Hard disk quota
Hard quota on disk space is grayed out in Domains > > Hosting:
Unlimited. Hard disk quota is not supported due to the configuration of the server file system
This is caused by product issue PPPM-9163. Service plans allow managing the hard disk quota, even though it's not supported by the server.
While a fix is released, the service plan can be configured to match the server:
Log in to Plesk
Go to Service Plans > Example Plan > Hosting Parameters
Check Unlimited next to Hard disk quota
Press Update & Sync
Note: Locked subscriptions won't be synced until they're unlocked.