
Cannot restore database on Plesk server: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation



User specified in the definer does not match with the user that used during restoration. User example_dbuser does not have CREATE_VIEW previlege.


Note: the further instructions are intended for server administrators with direct RDP/SSH access to the server.
If direct SSH/RDP access to the server is not possible, contact server administrator for further assistance.

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For Linux

  1. Connect to the server using SSH.
  2. Restore such database as Plesk admin user and further create dumps as actual DB user

    # MYSQL_PWD=`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` mysql -uadmin example_dbname < /path/to/example_dbname.sql

    # mysqldump -u example_dbuser -p[dbuser_password] example_dbname > example_dbname_2.sql

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For Windows

  1. Connect to the server via RDP.

  2. Open cmd as Administrator user and restore such database as Plesk admin user and further create dumps as actual DB user

    C:> "%plesk_dir%Mysqlbinmysql.exe" -uadmin -p[Plesk_admin_password] -P3306 db_example < "C:FULLPATHTOFILE_NAME.sql"

    C:> "%plesk_dir%Mysqlbinmysqldump.exe" -uexample_dbuser -p[dbuser_password] -P3306 example_dbname > "C:FULLPATHTOFILE_NAME.sql"