What are the known limitations of Plesk Migrator extension?
Note: In case the target server does not have a valid license, contact the Licensing and Purchase Support and request a full-featured trial license for migration. Refer to the article How to get Plesk Web Host edition trial license for migration for instructions.
Below is the list of known limitations for the Plesk Migrator extension:
Migration is possible only to the same or newer version of Plesk
Unless explicitly explained, the Plesk Migrator extension does not migrate extensions, nor the configuration of the extensions from one server to another.
Plesk Migrator should be installed on the destination Plesk server (also referenced as "target" in some documentation).
Plesk Migrator requires a number of ports to be open in the firewall. The list of ports can be found in Migration Guide.
The Plesk interface should be accessible locally on the destination server through localhost (
Plesk Migrator requires built-in administrator credentials for the Windows source server and root user credentials for the Linux one.
At least 2GB of free disk space is…