Monitoring 360 is activated in Monitoring.
Various actions fail in Plesk:
When clicking on SSL/TLS Certificates in domain's card, the page fails to load with the message:
ERROR: Declaration of PleskSslItGuzzleHttpPsr7Uri::getScheme() must be compatible with PsrHttpMessageUriInterface::getScheme(): string (Uri.php:346)
When opening Extensions menu in Plesk, the page fails to load with the message:
PHP Fatal error: Declaration of GuzzleHttpPsr7Uri::getScheme() must be compatible with PsrHttpMessageUriInterface::getScheme(): string in /opt/psa/admin/plib/modules/wp-toolkit/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/Uri.php on line 423
This is a Platform 360 extension bug with ID MC-7462 which has already been fixed on June 18, 2024.
No actions required.