- How can I export a database dump via Plesk?
- How can I dump a website database in Plesk?
- Log into Plesk
- Go to Domains > > Databases to view a list of all databases.
- Look for the website database name in the list.
Note: If you or someone else has tagged the database with its matching domain, it will say: "Related to: " and then show the domain beside it.
- Once you've identified the correct database, press the "Export Dump" button
- You may save your database dump to the root directory, as is selected by default, or you can change the directory.
Note: If you decide to change the dump directory, avoid saving your export to a web-accessible directory like httpdocs, because that will generate a security risk.
- You can leave "Automatically download dump after creation" unchecked if you are planning to re-import the database in the future (this is done by using the "Import Dump" button).
Note: If you prefer to have a local copy, leave the "Automatically download dump after creation" check box and have it downloaded to your computer.
- When this process is complete, you will have a dump of your database saved in the selected server storage location
Additional information
Exporting and Importing Database Dumps | Plesk Obsidian documentation