How to check domain traffic usage in Plesk and work with the domain statistics page?
Navigate to Tools & Settings > Traffic Usage by Domains >
This page provides the information about traffic usage by the specific domain divided between services: FTP, HTTPS, POP3/IMAP, SMTP:
Below is the description of the main aspects:
The domain name for which traffic usage is checked, e.g.
Traffic usage is divided between services. It shows total size of files transferred to and from the domain over the corresponding service: FTP, HTTP, POP3/IMAP and SMTP.
Total amount of traffic usage by the domain. It is divided into 3 columns:
Shows the whole traffic used by all services of the domain. -
Shows the current limit set on traffic usage for the domain on a service plan/subscription level. -
Shows the available traffic which can be used by the domain until the Limit is reached.Note: the value '-' means there is no limit set.
Contains statistics about traffic used by a particular service:
The whole traffic used by a specific service.
Used = In + Out. -
Incoming traffic used by a specific service. -
Outgoing traffic used by a specific service.
Traffic usage displayed in percentages used by each service. 100% is taken for the traffic used by all services.