- Is it possible to change the name of the Special system FTP user account for a Subscription?
Solution via Plesk GUI
Command-line solution via SSH access (Linux)
Command-line solution via RDP access (Windows)
- Log into Plesk
- Go to Subscriptions > > Hosting & DNS > Hosting > System user's credentials section.
Change the name of the system user in the Username field
- Press Save
Note: The System user and the Special FTP user usernames are always the same and that is expected
- Log into the server via SSH
- Execute the command below to change system user of the
subscription to johndoe:# plesk bin subscription --update -login johndoe
Note: replace the johndoe with the name of the required system user.
- Log into the server via RDP
- Open the command prompt as an Administrator
- Execute the command below to change system user of the
subscription to johndoe:C:> plesk bin subscription --update -login johndoe
Note: replace the johndoe with the name of the required system user.