Domain creation task is stuck in Plesk.
The task has "not_started" status in
database table:C:> plesk db "SELECT id,type,status,finishTime FROM longtasks WHERE status <> 'done'"
| id | type | status | finishTime |
| 88282| domain-create | not_started | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
Connect to the Plesk server via SSH (Linux) / RDP (Windows Server).
Created a backup of the Plesk database:
on Linux:
# plesk db dump psa > psa.sql
on Windows Server:
2.1. Start a command prompt as an Administrator.
2.2. Run:
C:> plesk db dump psa > C:psa_dump.sql
Find the ID of the stuck task that has status "not_started" (in this example, it is 88282):
C:> plesk db "SELECT id,type,status,finishTime FROM longtasks WHERE status <> 'done'"
| id | type | status | finishTime |
| 88282| domain-create | not_started | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | -
Using the ID, remove this task from
database tables:C:> plesk db "DELETE FROM longtasks WHERE id=88282"
C:> plesk db "DELETE FROM longtaskparams WHERE task_id=88282"
Restart the the Plesk Task Manager service:
on Linux:
# service plesk-task-manager restart
on Windows Server:
net stop PleskTaskManager && net start PleskTaskManager