A backup/restoration process completes with the following error message in Plesk:
Cannot stat: Permission denied /bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Migration fails with the following error message:
Failed to import backup dumps to target panel's repository
Cause: Failed to import backup XML: errcode must be '0' (no errors) or '116' (backup sign error).
Output of pmmcli utility:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<errmsg>Unable to import file as dump: pmm-ras failed (Error code = 1):
STDOUT: migra_info_1909102106.xml
boost::filesystem::status: Input/output error: "/backup_dir/tmp/pmm-dudc-incApacheFiles-KH7Bjv"
STDERR: </errmsg>
location shares the same directory as DUMP_D
causing permission conflict.
# grep DUMP /etc/psa/psa.conf
DUMP_D /backup/dumps
DUMP_TMP_D /backup/dumps
Connect to the Plesk server via SSH.
Change the
location to a directory which is different from
using the steps from this KB article. For example:
DUMP_D# grep DUMP /etc/psa/psa.conf
DUMP_D /backup/dumps
DUMP_TMP_D /backup/dumptemp -
Set the correct directory permissions and ownership using these commands:
# chown psaadm:psaadm /backup/dump
# chmod 755 /backup
# chmod 755 /backup/dump
# chmod 1777 /backup/dumptemp/