
Troubleshooting – Reducing Amounts of Notifications from Antivirus

If you receive too many email notifications from Plesk Premium
Antivirus, you can switch them off. To do this, perform the following

  1. Log in to the database:

    "C:%plesk_dir%mysqlbinmysql" -uadmin -p<password> -P8306 psa

Make sure that the record regarding antivirus notifications for
administrator is present in the psa.misc table. Find it out with the
following SQL query:

mysql> select val from misc where param = 'AntivirusNotifyAdmin';
  1. Notification can be enabled or disabled by switching the parameter
    using one of the following queries:

    • To enable notifications:

      mysql> update misc set val='1' where param = 'AntivirusNotifyAdmin';
    • To disable notifications:

      mysql> update misc set val='0' where param = 'AntivirusNotifyAdmin';
    • To insert the value if it is not present in the database, issue
      the following:

      mysql> insert into misc values ('AntivirusNotifyAdmin','0');