To back up all data related to your account and all your
To back up data related to your account and websites, go to
Account > Back Up My Account and Websites. To back up data
related to websites only, select Account > Back Up Websites
(Alternatively, use Websites & Domains > Backup Manager).Note: Depending on your permissions, one of these options might be
unavailable. -
Click Back Up and specify the following:
The data to back up (Back up).
If you selected Back Up My Account and Websites, you can back
Only the account settings.
Select Customer’s configuration.
Account settings and all data of customer’s subscriptions,
including databases.Select Customer’s configuration and content.
If you selected Back Up Websites, you can choose to back up:
Only settings of websites, without data.
Select Domain configuration.
All settings and data except for mail accounts and messages in
mailboxes.Select Domain configuration and User files and
databases. -
All settings and data including mail accounts and messages in
mailboxes.Select Domain configuration, Mail configuration and
content, and User files and databases. -
Only mail accounts and messages.
Select Domain configuration and Mail configuration and
Splitting of the backup file. To create a multivolume backup,
select the corresponding checkbox and specify volume size in
megabytes. Multiple volumes are supported for backups stored in
personal FTP storage. -
Location where to store the backup file (Store in).
Whether to make a full or an incremental backup (Type).
To backup all data, select Full.
A full backup can include either configuration or configuration
and content, depending on what you selected in Back up. -
To back up only the changes made since the time of the previous
backup, select Incremental.Incremental backups always contain configuration with content,
including databases. Database-related content is included in
full, while web and mail related content is backed up
incrementally. If no backups have been created yet, the first
backup will be a full backup.For the difference between full and incremental backup, see
Email notification on backup completion. If you want to be
notified of the backup completion, type your email address. -
What data to back up. You can back up only the account settings or
account settings and all data (including databases).
Click Back Up. When backing up is finished, the backup file will
be saved to the storage you selected.