
Upgrade to Plesk Obsidian or update between Obsidian releases fails: TypeError: an integer is required


The following error appear at the log after failed Plesk update or during upgrade to Plesk Obsidian:

Error: Cannot open file /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6/PLESK_17_PHP70/packages/plesk-php70-sodium-2.0.13-0centos.6.181207.1259.x86_64.rpm: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/cache/yum/x86_64/6/PLESK_17_PHP70/packages/plesk-php70-sodium-2.0.13-0centos.6.181207.1259.x86_64.rpm'
TypeError: an integer is required
error: python callback <bound method RPMTransaction.callback of <yum.rpmtrans.RPMTransaction instance at 0x6324e18>> failed, aborting!
processTransaction event: 10 (Downloading Packages)
processTransaction event: 11 (unknown)


Product issue:

  • #PPPM-11218 "On servers running an RPM-based Linux with Yum, it is no longer possible to run the yum clean all command during the update, which led to the update failing."

    Fixed in:


Please consider updating your server:


If update is not possible for some reason you may try the following


  1. Connect to the server via SSH

  2. Check for duplicate packages with the command below:

    # package-cleanup --dupes

    Note: package-cleanup utility is provided by yum-utils package. If the package is not installed use yum install yum-utilsto install it.

  3. Make sure that important packages will not be removed and then remove duplicates using the following method:

    Warning: It's highly advised to have a full server backup before proceed with further steps of this article.

    # package-cleanup --cleandupes

  4. Re-check duplicates:

    # package-cleanup --dupes

    • If any package still reported, remove it manually

      # rpm -e --nodeps --noscripts <package_name>

  5. Complete the upgrade:

    # plesk installer update