Unable to update Plesk with the following error in
C:ProgramDataPleskInstallerautoinstaller3.log file:
Unable to install exe package 'C:ProgramDataPleskInstallercacheASPNETCORE-WINthirdparty-windowsdotnet-hosting-3.1.3-win.exe' with error 1603(0x00000643). Output:
Sub-action 'InstallExe' failed with error code: 1603(0x00000643)
When manually installing the package from the error message, it fails with the "0x80070643" error code.
Some packages pending a Windows restart.
Optional: Install the latest Windows updates.
Reboot the server.
Start a command prompt as an Administrator.
Rerun Plesk Update:
C:> plesk installer update
Note: Should the update still fail:
Go to
Control PanelProgramsPrograms and Features
and uninstall all packages .NET 3.1.x installed. -
Install it again using Plesk installer:
C:> plesk installer --select-release-current --install-component aspnetcore-3.1
Rerun Plesk Update:
C:> plesk installer update