
Unable to start Apache after dist-upgrade on a Plesk server: undefined symbol: ap_proxy_check_connection



The libapache2-mod-proxy-psa package exists on the server which is a leftover from Debian 8/Ubuntu 16:

# dpkg -l libapache2-mod-proxy-psa
ii libapache2-mod-proxy-psa 2.4.10-debian8.0.17100418 amd64 Apache Module mod_proxy


  1. Connect to the Plesk server via SSH.

  2. Remove the package libapache2-mod-proxy-psa:

    # dpkg -r --force-depends libapache2-mod-proxy-psa

  3. Disable proxy modules:

    # a2dismod proxy*

  4. Start the Apache service:

    # systemctl restart apache2

  5. Enable the default proxy modules.

    # a2enmod proxy proxy_fcgi proxy_http

  6. Restart the Apache service:

    # systemctl restart apache2