
Unable to install Plesk updates: Some database entries related to Panel IP addresses are corrupted


Plesk update fails: 

Some database entries related to Panel IP addresses are corrupted. Please see for the solution.


Plesk database inconsistency. One or more IP address collections are assigned to a non-existent IP address.


  1. Connect to Plesk server using SSH.
  2. Back up Plesk database.
  3. Access Plesk database:

    # plesk db

  4. Find IP address collections with non-existent IP addresses assigned:

    select * from IpAddressesCollections where ipAddressId not in (select id from IP_Addresses);
    | ipCollectionId | ipAddressId |
    | 245            | 0           |

  5. Delete orphaned records (copy the corresponding IDs found in the previous step):

    delete from IpAddressesCollections where ipCollectionId=245 and ipAddressId=0;

    Note: If there are more than 1 ID in step 4, repeat step 5 for each of them.

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