
Pre-migration checks show warning: The following Apache modules are not installed


After starting a migration in Tools & Settings > Migration & Transfer Manager the pre-migration check shows the following warnings:


The following Apache modules are not installed on the destination server: <module_name>

Apache modules are not installed on the destination server: jk, bw. Please install and enable these modules to prevent possible problems.

Failed to synchronize subscription with plan
Migration tools tried to perform operation in 3 attempts:
Plesk error [1023]: bandwidth - Description: phosting__mod_bw_not_installed. Requested: 2097152. Allowed: -1


Same Apache modules on different Linux distributions have different names.


Ignore the warning if the module is from this list. It's either already installed under a different name or was removed from the newer Apache version.

List of known modules for which the warning can be ignored:

Module name Explanation
authnz_ldap was used in Apache 2.2, removed in Apache 2.4
ldap was used in Apache 2.2, removed in Apache 2.4
authn_default was used in Apache 2.2, removed in Apache 2.4
authz_default was used in Apache 2.2, removed in Apache 2.4
disk_cache was used in Apache 2.2, renamed to cache_disk in Apache 2.4
cgi was used in Apache 2.2, replaced by cgid in Apache 2.4
negotiation used on deb like systems but not on RedHat based
setenvif used on deb like systems but not on RedHat based
dir used on deb like systems but not on RedHat based
autoindex used on deb like systems but not on RedHat based
perl not installed by default starting from Plesk 12.5. You will see such a message if the destination is higher than 12.5 and a source lower than 12.5
python not installed by default starting from Plesk 12.5. You will see such a message if the destination is higher than 12.5 and a source lower than 12.5
php5 not installed by default starting from Plesk 12.5. You will see such a message if the destination is higher than 12.5 and a source lower than 12.5
mod_bw if needed it can be installed in Tools & Settings > Updates and Upgrades > Add/Remove Components. Not available since Plesk 18.0.32 or in CentOS 8/RHEL 8 
mod_jk not supported by default starting from Plesk Onyx 17.8. After migrating to Plesk Onyx 17.8 or Obsidian, Apache Tomcat will be unavailable for installing and configuring via Plesk interface.





These modules are available in Apache starting with 2.4.17 version and higher.

A warning might appear when performing a migration to CentOS7 where the old Apache version is shipped by default.


Note: for other modules refer to this instruction if a manually installed module is missing from the destination server.