Is it possible to install PostgreSQL 10.x or higher with Plesk?
Yes, Plesk supports PostgreSQL up to version 15.
Use the following steps to install PostgreSQL 10.x or higher with Plesk:
Installing PostgreSQL 10.X or higher on RHEL/AlmaLinux 8-9
Connect to the server via SSH
Get the PostgreSQL repository from
Install the PostgreSQL repository (replace link with the one obtained in previous step):
# dnf install -y
Disable the built-in PostgreSQL module:
# dnf -qy module disable postgresql
Install PostgreSQL (replace XX with the desired version):
# dnf install -y postgresqlXX-server
Initialize the database:
# /usr/pgsql-XX/bin/postgresql-XX-setup initdb
Set PostgreSQL to start on boot:
# systemctl enable postgresql-XX
Start PostgreSQL:
# systemctl start postgresql-XX
Create a symlink between installed version and postgresql service:
# ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/system/postgresql-XX.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service
Switch to user postgres:
# su - postgres
Set a password for the user:
# psql -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'YourSecurePassword';"
Go to Tools & Settings > Database Servers
Press Add Database Server
Add PostgreSQL as a remote database server with the following values:
- Database server type: PostgreSQL
- Host name or IP address:
- Check the box Use this server as default for PostgreSQL
- Username: postgres
- Password: password from step 11
Press OK
Installing PostgreSQL 10.X or higher on Debian/Ubuntu
Connect to the server via SSH
Install necessary packages:
# apt install curl ca-certificates postgresql-common
Install the PostgreSQL repository:
# /usr/share/postgresql-common/pgdg/
Update repository data:
# apt update
Install PostgreSQL (replace XX with the desired version):
# apt install postgresql-XX
Set PostgreSQL to start on boot:
# systemctl enable postgresql
Start PostgreSQL:
# systemctl start postgresql
Switch to user postgres:
# su - postgres
Set a password for the user:
# psql -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'YourSecurePassword';"
Go to Tools & Settings > Database Servers
Press Add Database Server
Add PostgreSQL as a remote database server with the following values:
- Database server type: PostgreSQL
- Host name or IP address:
- Check the box Use this server as default for PostgreSQL
- Username: postgres
- Password: password from step 9
Press OK