
How to remove a domain / subdomain / domain alias from Plesk


How to remove a domain / subdomain / domain alias from Plesk?



Removing a domain via Plesk


  1. Log in to Plesk.

  2. Go to Domains and select domains that need to be removed.

  3. Click the Remove button.

    Note: If the main domain of a subscription is removed, all additional domains under this subscription will be removed too.


Removing a domain via a command-line interface


  1. Connect to a Plesk server via SSH (Linux)RDP (Windows Server).

  2. Run the following command:

    • to remove a domain / subdomain:

      # plesk bin domain --remove

    • to remove a domain alias:

      # plesk bin domalias --delete


To remove multiple domains:

  1. Get the list of all domains:

    C> plesk bin domain --list

  2. Create the file C:domains.txt and put domains that needs to be removed:

  3. Run the following command in a command prompt to remove domains that are specified in C:domains.txt:

    C:> for /f "tokens=*" %d in ('type C:domains.txt') do plesk bin domain --remove %d


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