
Database operations fail in Plesk for Linux: “Can’t open file” or “Out of resources when opening file”



Default open_files_limit for MySQL has been reached.


Increase open_files_limit for the MySQL service as below.

Note: The solution below is applicable to systemd-based systems:
    - RHEL/CentOS/CloudLunix 7 and above
    - Ubuntu 16.04 and above
    - Debian 8 and above

  1. Connect to the server via SSH.

  2. Find the MySQL service in use:

    # systemctl list-unit-files | grep -E 'mysql|mariadb'
    mariadb.service enabled

  3. Open the service configuration file from the step above in an editor:

    # systemctl edit mariadb.service

  4. Add the following content:


  5. Save the changes and close the file.

  6. Restart the MySQL/MariaDB server to apply the changes:

    # systemctl restart mysql mysqld mariadb 2>/dev/null

    If the same error appears after these changes, increase the value.