- BitNinja fails to install the license with the following in Extensions > BitNinja > About BitNinja:
License type: inactive
- The license is installed in Tools & Settings > License Information > Additional License Keys
- There is the following error message at link:
License key cannot be connected to your account. Please, contact support
BitNinja agent was installed on the server previously with the license key of another account and the old license files are grabbed by the BitNinja agent.
1. Connect to the server via SSH
2. Uninstall the extension with the commands below:
# plesk bin extension --uninstall bitninja-linux-agent
# apt-get purge 'bitninja*'
3. Remove the directories containing the information about the old license with the commands:
# rm -rf /var/lib/bitninja/
# rm -rf /etc/bitninja/
4. Reinstall the extension via the Plesk panel
5. Proceed with the steps in Extensions > BitNinja > Buy License!