When you start your hosting reselling business, you should define how
you will offer your hosting resources and services to customers. Plesk
lets you organize your business by means of service plans and
A service plan is a combination of hosting resources that you sell to
your customers. For example, a plan can provide customers with the web
hosting service, five gigabytes of disk space on the server, and ten
gigabytes of data transfers each month.
There are also add-on plans that let you offer additional resources
and services to subscribers, such as, for example, an additional
gigabyte of disk space.
When customers want to host a website on a Plesk-managed server, they
subscribe to a plan that offers the resources they need. In other
words, a s ubscription is a set of resources defined by a plan and
available to a certain customer.
The section Properties of Hosting (Add-on) Plans and
Subscriptions provides a complete list of Plesk server
resources and services that you can include in your hosting plans.
Allocation of Resources and Services
Service plans define potential services; Plesk does not check if a
service or a resource that a service plan should provide is actually
available, whether in the system in general or in your reseller
subscription. For example, when creating a plan, you can choose to allow
subscribers to connect to the server shell over SSH even if your
subscription does not provide the Management of access to the server
over SSH privilege. In such a case, Plesk will let you do this and
will show no error or warning messages.
Subscriptions provide actual resources and services that are allocated
during the creation of each subscription.
Relations Between Subscriptions and Service/Add-on Plans
Normally, a subscription is associated with a service plan, and this
association is reflected in a list of subscriptions: each subscription
name contains the service plan name in parentheses at the end. The
amount of resources and services provided with a subscription can be
extended by associating the subscription with add-on plans. A
subscription can be associated with several add-ons, but each add-on can
be added to the subscription only once.
It is also possible to have subscriptions that are not associated with
any service plans or add-on plans. We call such subscriptions custom
subscriptions, and their names are extended with “(Custom)” in the
list of subscriptions. Having a custom subscription may be useful if you
want to provide services on specific terms that differ from the usual
offerings in your…