
Configuring System for Testing

To test your extension in real-life conditions, install it to Plesk by
logging in to Plesk as the administrator and adding the extension on the
Server Management > Extensions page. Below you will find Plesk
configuration parameters that help you easily debug your extensions. Be
sure to comment the parameters (by adding the leading ; symbol) after
you complete testing and decide to use Plesk in production.

How to Improve the Verbosity of Debug Information

If your extension uses the Plesk GUI and it exits with an error or an
exception, you should see the PHP stack trace. If you do not see it,
and, say, see only a blank screen, try to improve the verbosity level of
the debug output by adding the following lines to the


Then, turn on PHP error reporting in php.ini. The file path is:

Open the file and edit the display_errors and error_reporting settings:

display_errors = On
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED

Restart the the web server which handles requests to the Plesk GUI:

(Linux): service sw-engine restart
(Windows): :doc:`Learn how to restart the Plesk web server <advanced-administration-guide-win:49561>`.

How to Prevent Inconsistency Between Code and Results

If you are testing an extension on Linux, you may run across the problem
with inconsistency between your code and expected result. The
inconsistency happens because Plesk content is cached, so the cache must
expire before you see the update. To mitigate this problem, turn the
Plesk cache off. This is also triggered in php.ini by the following

apc.enabled = 0

The change will take effect after you restart the web server which
handles requests to the Plesk GUI. The restart command is as follows:

/etc/init.d/sw-cp-server restart
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