Category Database


Backup entails the systematic duplication and archival of data onto secondary storage mediums. A comprehensive full backup denotes a self-contained and exhaustive replica of a system’s data repository. This procedural undertaking encompasses the judicious curation, extraction, and manipulation of data…


As an alternative to MongoDB, Cassandra is highly available and uses a column-orientated approach. It is a database that was developed by Facebook, particularly with the goal of enabling inbox searches. It is utilised by both Facebook and Twitter, and…


DB2 is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). IBM introduced it in 1983, to run on its Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS) mainframe platform. Its name refers to the change from the hierarchical database model (incredibly popular at the time) to…


There are several processes core to the way computers and software work, and managing databases is one of these core processes. Every company of size uses a database, and very large companies use incredibly large, complicated databases. Now, to a…


A database management system (DBMS) is created for defining, manipulating, retrieving, and managing data within a database. Typically, a DBMS will manipulate the data, data format, field names, file structure, and record structure. It defines rules, too, for the validation…

DBMS Interface

A DBMS interface enables a user to enter queries into a database without the need for the query language. A DBMS interface may be a web client, a smartphone app, or a local client running on a desktop computer. How…


Essentially, Elasticsearch is a search engine which is enterprise-grade yet open-source, while also being distributed in nature and easy to scale. The database has a very extensive API and delivers searches which are very fast, key for data discovery apps.…


Oracle is one of the most popular databases, and IBM answered Oracle’s 11g edition with IBM DB2, available in both Windows and Linux editions. Yes, DB2 can run on your choice of Linux, Unix or Windows mainframes and is indeed…


The term “index” has a number of definitions in computing: it may refer to a website’s index directory listing, a search engine’s index, or a database index. And this variation means that “index” can be a complex term for newcomers…


As much as SQL is a common way to build a database, NoSQL database is popular for a variety of reasons. MongoDB keeps some of the important SQL characteristics such as queries and indexes. MongoDB links with several languages such…

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