In an attempt to create a Plesk scheduled backup to a remote FTP server the process fails with the error:
pmm-ras failed (Error code = 1):
STDOUT: Curl error: Unable to resume an interrupted download: (28) Timeout was reached: Last FTP request: PASS *****: Last FTP response: 421 I can't accept more than 3 connections as the same user: Connection to the FTP server has lost - The similar or the following error can be found in
file:Curl error: (21) Quote command returned error: Last FTP request: QUIT Last FTP response: 221 Goodbye [common/plesk-utils/PMM/repository-transport/transport.cpp:1010] virtual void plesk::tRepositoryFtp::Delete(const string&) INFO: pmm-ras finished. Exit code: 126
The following errors can be found in
files:[type 'exceptions.TypeError'] cannot concatenate 'str' and 'list' objects
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'list' objects
[error][module]pmmcli[/module][operation]<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>[/operation][message]cannot concatenate 'str' and 'list' objects at File "/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/pmmcli", line 6, in <module>
This is a Plesk bug with the ID #PPPM-8749, which has been resolved permanently in Plesk Obsidian version 18.0.57.
Update Plesk Obsidian to the latest available version by using the information in this article: